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  • 发表时间:2019-12-29 13:52:27





 Patrick Khoo,and Christina Bellantoni

34岁的 帕特里克·邱 和36岁的克里斯蒂娜·贝兰托尼


She's from: San Jose, California


He's from: Adelaide, Australia


Relationship status: Married


"Back when I lived in London, I went to Greece with a friend for my 32nd birthday. On the night before my birthday, my buddy and I were at a bar when two lovely ladies walked in and sat down next to us. I tried to engage in conversation, but while one smiled, the other blew me off — and then they left. After midnight (my official birthday!), my buddy convinced me to go to one last bar, and those same girls were there. My friend told them it was my birthday, so the rest of the night went much better, especiallybecause I hit it off with the one who’d originally smiled, Christina. We spent the night drinking, laughing, and dancing. Christina told me that she lived in Washington D.C., and I told her about my pre-existing plans to visit D.C. later that year (I actually had tickets to New York but was taking a gamble)."


"We spent the next day together, exchanged info at the end, and stayed in touch via Facebook over the next few months. I visited her in D.C., and a couple weeks after that, Christina had a work conference in Zurich, so I flew over from London — and that's when we talked about making a long-distance relationship work. We dated for about a year, with many flights between D.C. and London, and then I proposed in D.C. She said yes! We've since moved to L.A., where Christina got a new job, and we couldn't be happier.


— Patrick Khoo


Rachel, 25, and David, 29, met at a birthday party in Paris:


She's from: Missoula, Montana


He's from: Paris


Relationship status: Long-distance dating


"I am a little person and finally got the courage to travel to Europe for the first time two years ago. I spent time in Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic, and wanted to spend my last few days in Paris. The last night of my trip, my friend who lives in Paris had a birthday celebration, and invited a bunch of her friends. That's when I saw this beautiful man enter the bar. He was a friend of hers, and was the first to arrive to the party. We drank wine, champagne, and beer, and ate plenty of great food. We were like magnets, totally drawn to each other.


I didn't have the courage to give him a 'bisous' or a 'merci' or slip him my number that night. But a couple months after I was home, we reconnected over email. A year later, I convinced myself to travel back to France to see if it could be real. It was. Now we are (temporarily) long distance — and we're so happy."


生命本是一场奇异的旅行,遇见谁都是一个美丽的意外。 有愿才会有缘,如果无愿,即使有缘的人,也会擦身而过。缘是天意,份在人为。无论缘深缘浅,缘长缘短,得到即是造化。人生苦短,缘来不易,我们都应该好好珍惜,并用宽容与豁达,去对待生命的每一个人,每一件事。




这里汇聚的是一批热爱行走寻找可能性的义旅发烧友,旨在推广发扬新型的旅行方式“义工旅行”,平台为广大热爱义工旅行的体验者们提供安全可靠的义工旅行机会。 我们一直致力于帮助年轻人更有质量地探索世界,去世界各地体验生活、结交朋友,挖掘出青春的可能性。义工旅行是指体验者通过自己的劳动,平等换去食宿的旅行方式,能够在旅行中感受别样真实温热的生活趣味。 free、enjoy、zest 诠释了我们想要表达的情怀,包含兴趣体验实践,提供旅行tips干货分享,致力于在青春成就更好的旅行。不义旅,枉青春!



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